Soil depth in relation to soil properties at Lussaita area, Al-Jabal al Akhdar, Libya


  • Murad M. Aburas Soil and Water Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Elbeida, Libya.
  • Yousef F. Abdalrahman Faculty of Natural Resources, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Elbeida, Libya



Soil depth, Calcareous soils, Soil aggregates stability


The relation between total soil depth and top soil properties at Lussaita area north Al-JabalAlkhdar was investigated. The investigated properties included: clay and silt contents, CaCO3 content, organic matter content, aggregate stability > 0.5 mm, aggregate stability > 1 mm, bulk density and infiltration rate. Top soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected at about 40 sites that varied in slope and soil depth. To achieve the study objective, related field survey and measurements and laboratory analyses were carried out. The study found that most of the top soils under investigation, regardless total soil depth variations, have high clay content, low CaCO3 content in spite of their calcareous parent material, the soils showed moderate organic matter and aggregate stability percentage, the soils also have moderate infiltration rates. Correlation test did not show significant relation between most of top soil properties under investigation and total soil depth, except limited relation with silt and organic matter contents. Calcareous parent material, soil content of kaolinite and free iron oxides (Fe2O3) and the natural plant vegetation could be the main factors that contribute to the low variations between top soil properties. However, soil depth still an essential key to understand soil erosion process and degradation under Al-JabalAlkhdar conditions and this could highlight the importance of more and wider future investigation. 


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How to Cite

Aburas, M. M., & Abdalrahman, Y. F. . (2016). Soil depth in relation to soil properties at Lussaita area, Al-Jabal al Akhdar, Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 31(2), 38–54.



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