Infection of Cyprinid (Barbus sharpeyi) Fish With Plerocercoid Larvae of the Tapeworm ligula intestinalis


  • Nahad Walli Alkhalidi


Plerocecoid larvae, Ligula intestinalis, Cyprinid fish, Barbus sharpeyi


The infection rate of fish with Plerocecoid larvae of the tapeworm (Pseudophyllidea) ligula intestinalis was studied among Cyprinid (Barbus sharpeyi) fish. It was found that 6% (18 fish) of 300 of various weight were infected with those larvae with various number and length. The weight of the examined fish varied between 350–1550 gm. The infected fish were divided into four groups according to the number of the larvae they were infected with. There were 7 fish in the first group weighed 350–550 gm and infected with the I or 2 Plerocercoid larvae with the length of 28–50 cm. In the second group there were 5 fish weighed 600–750 gm and each one of them was infected with 4 larvae varied in length between 20–36 cm. The third group included 3 fish with 8 larvae in each and their weight varied from 800-1000 gm and their length varied between 18–23 cm. The fourth group included 3 fish with 10–14 larvae in each of them and they weighed 1100-1450 gm and their length varied between 15–22 cm. The importance of the infection of fish with these larvae was discussed.


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How to Cite

Alkhalidi, N. W. . (1999). Infection of Cyprinid (Barbus sharpeyi) Fish With Plerocercoid Larvae of the Tapeworm ligula intestinalis. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 6(1), 39–45. Retrieved from



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