Topics / Contents: The tutor should choose the teaching items that


1. Greetings and bidding farewell (Hi <Hel l o<Good<mor ni ng <

Goodbye<<et c J)

2. Introductions and acknowledgements (I ’m<pl eased<t o<meet <


3. Questions to ask for something and replies to them (What ’s <t hi s <


[Forms of “be”]

4. Questions to ask for help in difficult situations and responses to them.

(How<can<I <go<t o<post <of f i ce<What <can<I <do<f or <

yout hJ)

5. Questions to ask for permission (May <I <come<i n<Can<I <t ake<

t hi s <et c J)

6. Talking about possessions (Thi s <i s <my <__J<Thi s <i s <her <__J)

7. Talking about health problems (How<do<you<f eel <now<<Have<

you<got <vacci nat i on<f or <HI1<NI1<<et c )

8. Vocabulary items about health and health problems (f l uz< col dz<

headachez<st omachIachez<t oot hIachez<di ar r heaz<

et c J)

9. ‘Yes-No questions’ and ‘Wh - questions’ (Do< you< l i ke< i t <

Wher e<i s <he<et c JE<

10.Information about transport facilities (When<does <t he<bus <t o<

Benghazi <Leave< <How<much<wi l l <you<char ge<me<

t o<t ake<me<t o<HonJ<<et c J)

11.Inquiries in the market, at the post office, bus-stop, taxi-stand, and


12.The common vocabulary related to household articles and family


13.The common vocabulary related to educational items and the people

working in the college and university.

14.The common vocabulary for different meals and food items including


15.Questions to ask for directions (Take< a< t abl et < af t er <

l unch<and<dr i nk <a<l ot <of <wat er <How<do<I <r each<

t he<hot el <you<ar e<st ayi ng )

16.Telling about time and asking for time (What <t i me<i s <i t <I t ’s <

quar t er <past <ei ght z<et c J)

Course Content:

The course will cover the following:

1. The Sentence

a) What's a sentence? What does a sentence look like?

b) The parts of a sentence

(Subject-verb agreement)

c) Types of a sentence

1) Simple sentences

2) Compound sentences

3) Complex sentences

d) Sentence Problems

1) Run-on Sentences

3) Fragments

4) Dangling Modifiers

5) Shift in time (tense)

2. Punctuation and Spelling

a) Capitalization rules

b) Basic Spelling rules

c) Punctuation

1) Ending Punctuation (Full stop – Question mark – Exclamation


2) Comma

3) Colon & semicolon

4) Apostrophe

5) Quotation marks

6) Connectors

3. The Basic Rules of Handwriting


Course Books:

1. Handouts.

2. Butler, L. 2007. Fundamentals of Academic Writing. Level 1. Pearson


3. Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. 2006. Writing Academic English. 4th Ed.

Pearson Longman. (Chapter 10 + Appendix A + Appendix B)

4. Zemach, D. E. 2009. Sentence Writing. The Basics of Writing. Macmillan

Course Content:

The course covers the following:

1. Introducing syllables, word stress & sentence stress

2. Consonant Sequences

a) Initial Sequences

b) Final Sequences

c) Longer consonant Sequences

3. Vowel sequences

4. Words in company

a) word groups and stress

b) stressed and unstressed syllables

c) week forms of words

d) the use of strong forms

e) Rhythm units

f) Fluency

g) Changing word shapes

5. Intonation

a) Tune shapes

b) The Falling Tune – the Glide - Down

c) The first rising tune – the Glide - Up

d) The second rising tune – the Take - Off

e) The Falling rising tune – the Dive

b) How to use the tunes

6. Intonation in telling, asking and answering

7. Intonation in managing conversation

8. Pronunciation Practice


Course Books:

1. O'Connor. 1967. Better English Pronunciation. With 2 cassettes.

Cambridge University Press.

2. Hancock. 2003. English Pronunciation in use (intermediate). Cambridge

University Press.

3. He wings. 2007. English Pronunciation

Course Content:

The course covers the following:

1. Word-classes (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, …..etc.)

2. Sentence Structure (Subject, Verb, Object ….etc)

3. Nouns:

a) Countable & Uncountable Nouns.

b) Subject-verb Agreement.

4. Verbs (Tenses)

a) Present Continuous

b) Present Simple

c)Past simple

d)Past continuous

5. Articles (Indefinite & Definite)

6. Personal Pronouns

7. Adjectives (Introduction)

a) Present Simple

b) Present Continuous

8. Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns

9. Adverbs (Introduction)

10. The Future

a) Will & Shall (Simple Future)

b) Present tenses for the future

11. Prepositions


a) Preposition of Place

b) Preposition of Time

Course Books

1. Eastwood, J. 2006. Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate. Oxford



2. Murphy, R. 2000. Essential Grammar in Use. Elementary to preintermediate.

Cambridge University Press.

3. S. Clarke. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. Essential. Macmillan.

Fiction for learners of English at different levels from elementary to

advanced is the content of our extensive reading program. The series are

published by Oxford, Longman, Macmillan and Cambridge. These series

are specially written for learners of English as a second or foreign

language. They combine the highest quality of writing and storytelling with

great sensitivity to learners' linguistic needs. This combination ensures a

successful, enjoyable reading. They aims to:

1. Motivate learners to read in English.

2. Make reading a pleasure through positive language control and

information control.

3. Improve students' grammar.

4. Improve student's listening skills when they use the audio CDs.

5. Improve students' self expression.

Students' understanding of the readers is going to be examined by their

lecturer. In writing they are going to write a summary of the story or write

about their attitudes and points of view. In speaking they are going to

discuss certain points which will be decided by the lecturer. Whereas in

reading they are going to answer some comprehensive questions that

assess their understanding.

Students choose ONE<of the titles from one of the publishers decided by

the department. Each semester students are introduced to a publishers'

catalogue and allowed to choose a title according to their preferences. The

publishers are:

1. Oxford Readers

2. Cambridge Readers

3. Longman Readers

4. MacMillan Readers


Course Book:

Ray, R. R. & Yamanaka, J. 2007. Cover to Cover 2. Oxford University


1. Teacher's Book.

2. Student's Book.

3. Test Generator with customizable tests.

4. Audio CDs