:Course Content

:The course will cover the following

1. The Process of Writing

a) Prewriting

b) Writing

c) Revising and proofreading

2. Prewriting techniques

a) Brainstorming

b) Clustering

c) Asking Questions

d) Free Writing

3. What's a paragraph?

4. The Parts of a Paragraph

a) The Topic Sentence

b) The Supporting Sentences

c) The Concluding Sentence

5. Arranging Ideas in a Plan

a) The purpose of an outline

a) Outlining a Paragraph

b) Using an Outline

6. Achieving Coherence

A) Coherence through Order

1) Space order

2) Time order

3) Order of importance

Course Content: The course will cover the following: 1. Language: What is Language? Some definitions of Language Language systems and language behavior Language and speech The semiotic view of language Language & the fiction of homogeneity 2. Linguistic Knowledge: What you know and what you do; knowledge and performance Branches of Linguistics Is linguistics a science? Terminology and notation What is grammar? Descriptive and prescriptive grammars Priority of synchronic description Structure and system 3. Phonetics: The sounds of language Articulatory phonetics Airstream mechanisms Voiced and voiceless sounds Nasal vs. oral sounds Places of articulation Manners of articulation Vowels Prosodic features The phonetic alphabet Phonetic features 32 Acoustic phonetics: The physical properties of speech sounds 4. Phonology: The Sound Pattern of Language Phonemes: The phonological units of language Minimal pairs Form and meaning Distinctive features Sounds that are not phonemes: features that do not contrast Phonemes, phones, and allophones Predictability of redundancy features Free variations Sequences of phonemes Natural classes The rules of phonology Function of phonological rules The formalization of phonological rules Course Book: 1. Lyons, J. 2002. Language and Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. 2. Pool, S. 2000. An Introduction to Linguistics. MacMillan. 3. Yule, G. 1985. The Study of Language. 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press. 4. Radford, A. M. et al . 2000. Linguistics. An Introduction.

Topics / Contents: The tutor should choose the teaching items that


1. Questions about what someone is doing in different situations (Present

continuous form)

2. Describing what one is doing (He<i s <washi ng<t he<car <She<

i s <cooki ng<et c .)

3. Asking for price and answering it (How<much__ <How<many <___ <

et c JE<

4. Expressions of one’s likes and dislikes (I ’d< l i ke< a< cup< of <

cof f eeJ􀀀<Noz<I <don' t <l i ke<i t <et c JE<

5. Questions to ask and describe the number and amount of things (How<

much<K<many <…<Do<you<want <…<et c JE<

6. Describing a problem and suggesting solutions (I ’m<not <abl e<t o<

boot < my < comput er < Why < don’t < you< t ake< your <

br eakf ast <bef or e<comi ng<t o<cl ass <et c J)

7. Talking about weather and climate (Ohz< i t ’s < ver y < hot <

t oday =􀀀<Whi ch< ot her < count r i es < have< t he< dr y <

cl i mat e<et c J)

8. Vocabulary items related to weather and climate (hot z< col dz<

wi nt er z<t r opi cal <zet c J)

9. Talking about future plans (I <want <t o<become<a<doct or <

What <do<you<want <t o<become<et c )

10.Vocabulary items related to different professions (doct or z<

engi neer z< busi nessmanz< t eacher z< pol i ceman z<

sol di er z<et c J)

11.Requests and questions to ask for favour (Woul d< you<mi nd<

…Coul d<you<pl ease<…<et c JE<

12.Inviting others for a meal, party, get-together, etc. (Shal l < we<

have< a< cup< of < cof f ee<Woul d< you< pl ease< j oi n<

our <New<Year <par t y <et c J)

13.Accepting and refusing invitations (Ohz<sur e=<I ’m<af r ai d<I ’ve<

a<cl ass <now<Thank <you<f or <i nvi t i ng<me􀀀<I <wi sh<

I <had<t i me<t o<j oi n<you<et c J)

14.Vocabulary items related to different activities, games, hobbies,


etc. (phot ogr aphy z< pai nt i ng z< wr i t i ngz< danci ngz<

f oot bal l z<snacks z<cooki ngz<et c J)

15.Vocabulary items related to different professions (Far mi ngz<

bui l di ng< houses z< maki ng< wooden< t oys z< t he<

wor ks <of <a<car pent er z<bl acksmi t hz<gol dsmi t hz<

et c J)

Course Content:

The course covers the following:

1. Nouns :

a) Derivation of nouns

b) Some more types of nouns

i. Abstract vs. concrete nouns

ii. Pair nouns (e.g. Trousers, glasses, …. Etc.)

iii. Two nouns together (rg. A bred knife, a paper gag …etc)

c) Functions of nouns (Subject, Object ….etc.)

2. Verbs

a) Derivation of verbs

b) Some more tenses

i. present perfect (Simple & Continuous)

ii. past perfect

3. Questions & Negative

4. Pronouns: Some more types of pronouns

i. There, It, One, Once

ii. Everyone, Something ….. etc.

5. Adjectives:

i. Derivation of Adjectives

ii. Order of Adjectives

iii. Adjectives as heads of noun phrases

6. The Future

i. Review

ii. Other ways of expressing the future

a) 'going to'. B) 'Will be doing', 'will have done'.

7. Passive Voice

8. Adverbs:

i. Derivation of Adverbs

ii. Adverbs and word order

iii. Some more adverbs

a) Adverbs of Degree (very, quite)

b) Quite & rather

c) Too & enough

9. Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs

Course Books

1. Eastwood, J. 2006. Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate. Oxford

University Press.

2. Murphy, R. 2000. Essential Grammar in Use. Elementary to preintermediate.

Cambridge University Press.

3. S. Clarke. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. Essential. Macmillan.

Course Readers:

Fiction for learners of English at different levels from elementary to

advanced. The series are published by Oxford, Longman, Macmillan and

Cambridge. These series are specially written for learners of English as a

second or foreign language. They combine the highest quality of writing and

storytelling with great sensitivity to learners' linguistic needs. This

combination ensures a successful, enjoyable reading.They aims to:

1. Motivate learners to read in English.

2. make reading a pleasure through positive language control and

information control.

3. Improve students' grammar.

4. Improve student's listening skills when they use the audio CDs.

5. Improve students' self expression.

Students' understanding of the readers is going to be examined by their

lecturer. In writing they are going to write a summary of the story or write

about their attitudes and points of view. In speaking they are going to

discuss certain points which will be decided by the lecturer. Whereas in

reading they are going to answer some comprehensive questions that

assess their understanding. Students choose ONE<of the titles from one

of the publishers decided by the department. Each semester students are

introduced to a publishers' catalogue and allowed to choose a title

according to their preferences. The publishers are:

1. Oxford Readers

2. Cambridge Readers

3. Longman Readers

4. MacMillan Readers


Course Book:

Ray, R. R. & Yamanaka, J. 2007. Cover to Cover 3. Oxford University


1. Teacher's Book.

2. Student's Book.

3. Test Generator with customizable tests.

4. Audio CDs.