:Course Content

:The course will cover the following

1. Review

a) Writing Process

b) Paragraph organization

2. Introduction

a) What's an essay?

b) Why write essays?

c) Types of essays

3. Short Essay Structure/Organization

a) Thesis Statement

b) Introductions and conclusions

c) Body paragraphs

4. Developing the five paragraph essay

a) The introduction

b) Body paragraphs

c) The conclusion

5. Getting ready to write

a) Understanding the rhetorical modes

b) Generating the language and concept needed for the essays

c) Organizing Ideas/Essay outline

6. Unity and coherence

:Course Book

1. Handouts

2. Mayer & Savage 2007. Effective Academic Writing 2 The Short Essay

Oxford University Press

3. Davis & Liss. 2007. Effective Academic Writing 3 The Essay. Oxford

University Press

:Course Content

1. General introduction

2. Identification of morphemes

3. English Morphology

4.3 Word formation:

4.3.1 compounding

4.3.2 affixing derivational affixes

4.3.2.a nominal affixes

4.3.2.b verbal affixes

4.3.2.c adjectival affixes

4.3.2.d adverbial affixes Inflectional affixes

4.3.2.a the plural of nouns

4.3.2.b the possessive case

4.3.2.c English verb inflection

4.3.2.d the inflection of adjectives

:Textbook Recommended

Laurie Bauer (1983) English Word-Formation: London: CUP P. H. Matthews

(1974) Morphology. An Introduction to the Theory of Word- Structure.

Cambridge: CUP P.H. Matthews (1974) Morphology. An Introduction to the

Theory of word-Structure. Cambridge: CUP

:Course Content

The course will cover the following:

I. Introduction

- What is Translation?

- What do we translate?

- How do we translate?

II. Grammatical Translation

- Verbs

- Emphasis

- Adverbs

- Negative

- Exclamation

- The compound sentence

- The complex sentence

- The Adjective

- Consequence

- Verbs with propositions

III. Literal Translation of Meaning

- Free Translation

IV. Lexical Problems

- The Translation of Collocations

- The Translation of Special Fixed Phrases

- The Translation of Idioms

- The Translation of Proverbs

:Course Books

Hasan Ghazala. 1995. Translation: Problems and Solutions. ELGA


:Course Contents

The course aims to cover the following:

1. The Rise of the English novel: a historical background/ Early forms of

Prose Fiction – myths, fables, parables, Tales

2. Novel reading, responding, writing.

i) reading novels ii) responding to novels iii) writing

3.Understanding the text – Elements of Fiction

a) Plot - Structure

b) Writer's tools

c) Character – Round & Flat Characters

d) Setting

e) Symbolism & allegory

f) Style

4. Exploring contexts

a) The author's work

b) cultural and historical contexts

c) critical context

5. Writing about novels

6. Analysis and reading of a novel/short stories by a major writer: To be

chosen by the course instructor Students may be asked to prepare a paper

"assignment" on one of the elements of fiction with special reference to a

novel they read.

:Course Book

1. Handouts.

2. A novel.

3. Booth, A.; Hunter, P. & Mays, K. 2005. The Norton Introduction to

Literature. W. Norton & Company

Topics / Contents: The tutor should choose the teaching items that


1. Beginning and ending a conversation in a natural way

2. Reacting to the given listening input

3. Presenting the arguments in favour and against a given topic or action

4. Describing the process of performing a given task

5. Describing a place which has been visited

6. Describing the qualities and features of a person

7. Vocabulary items and necessary structures for presenting and defending

arguments in a befitting manner

8. Complaints about different grievances


BBC English Conversation Practice

Doff, Adrian and Christopher Jones. Language<i n<UseJ<Cambridge:

C. U. P., 2004. Headway English Course

Student's Book: Craven, M. Real Listening & Speaking 1. "without answers"

Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Taylor, Grant. Engl i sh<Conver sat i on<Pr act i ceJ< New

Delhi: McGraw-Hill, 1983. Teacher's Book: Craven, M. Real Listening &

Speaking 1. "with answers" Cambridge University Press, 2008.

:Course Content

:The course covers the following

1. Prepositions

a) Review

b) Prepositions, linking words and adverbs

c) Structures with prepositions

i) Noun + preposition (e.g. trouble with)

ii) Preposition + noun (e.g. on holiday)

iii) Adjective + preposition (e.g. proud of)

:Course Books

1. Eastwood, J. 2006. Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate. Oxford

University Press.

2. Murphy, R. 2000. English Grammar in Use. Intermediate to upperintermediate.

Cambridge University Press.

3. M. Vince. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. Intermediate.
