An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis
This book provides a comprehensive and clear exposition of the fundamentals of psychoanalysis addressing those who specialize in it professionally, such as physicians, psychiatrists, psychological and social specialists, and sociologists. It provides the reader with a reliable survey of the current working hypotheses in psychoanalysis and their developmental stages to facilitate understanding and assimilation of the body of psychoanalytic literature itself. The book also aids in avoiding confusion and misunderstanding that may arise from a failure to recognize the extent to which Freud's theories diverged at different stages during the forty years of his active psychoanalytic career.
Translating this book into Arabic offers two contributions, firstly, presenting the complete theory of psychoanalysis, and secondly, given that the book’s author is one of the trusted figures in classical psychoanalytic theory and Familiarity with its basics is important for any practitioner of psychotherapy.
The translator aimed to highlight the theory’s historical importance to students of this specialized science, noting that this work fills the gap left by Freud’s books, by addressing his entire theory in a uniform and comprehensive manner. Also, the ease of the book's style and the clarity of its explanation were key motivations for its translation.


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