Cooperation: Its Origins, Philosophy, and Types
This book addresses the concept of cooperation as a divine commandment mentioned in the Quran and the Tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Given the development, prosperity, and scientific progress that the world is experiencing today, many forms of collaboration and cooperation among people have emerged. These include establishing cooperative associations and unions, considered among the most crucial legal entities contributing to the advancement of countries. Civil societies are also among the most important methods of cooperation and collective investment, opening opportunities for small capital owners and those with limited income from private to mixed sector employees to invest their money, operate it, develop it, and improve their living conditions.
The content of the book is presented in twenty chapters that deal with the emergence of cooperation in ancient civilizations, to cooperation in the earliest civilizations of humanity, spanning all historical eras up to the Islamic era, to which a chapter was devoted discussing its concept, importance, scope, and impact, all the way to its origins and experiences in the modern era, and all that relates with its philosophy, principles, objectives, manifestations, types, matters, and associated problems.


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