Educational Research between Theory and Practice
The book aims to bridge the gap between educational research and its subsequent applications in practical reality on the one hand and between theory and application on the other. Education researchers and teachers exist in two different and contradictory worlds of opinions related to theory and application. Perhaps this gap is due to the inability of the researcher and teacher to put the educational theory based on research results into practice in reality. This is evident from teachers’ complaints about the incompatibility between theory and educational research, and the teacher’s work in schools and overall cannot be understood and comprehended. Most often, the teacher may not be convinced of the functional value of research in the applied field, which explains his lack of knowledge of artistic and technical methods related to achieving the practical purposes of the educational research results. This book came about for these reasons, in an attempt to reduce the discordance between the researcher and the teacher in a way that benefits teachers undergoing training in addition to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the social sciences and the educational field and motivates teachers to do their part.


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