Response of wild oat weeds to the mechanical methods and application time of control under EL-Bayda condition in Libya


  • Tayyeb Farag Hessain



Weeds mechanical control, Wild oat Avenafatua L, Solarization


Field experiment were carried out during the two growing seasons (2007-08 and 2008-09) at the experiment station of Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Omar Al-Mukhtar, El-Bayda, Libya to study the response of time of application and Mechanical control methods of wild oat (Avenafatua L.). The results revealed that, the wild oat density reduced by 76.54 and 85.63% because of soil solarization compared to unweeded and the best time reduced the weed density were before leveling in two seasons. Wild oats heights were reduced due to soloarization as a method of weed control by 64.38 and 75.77% compared to unweeded in both seasons respectively, and solarization before soil leveling gave the smallest height. Wild oat dry matter reduced by soil surface and before soil leveling by 68.88 and 86.46% compared to unweeded in both seasons respectively.


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How to Cite

Hessain, T. F. . (2015). Response of wild oat weeds to the mechanical methods and application time of control under EL-Bayda condition in Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 30(1), 1–9.



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