Age Structure and Current Status of Aleppo Pine ( Pinus Halepensis ) Trees on the Western Side of Sidi Alhumry Pine Plantation in Aljabal Al-Akhdar Region


  • Attia. A. Alsanousi Department of Forests and Rangelands, Faculty of Natural Resourcesand Environmental Sci-ences, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda- Libya
  • Abdusalam. M. Ali Department of Forests and Rangelands, Faculty of Natural Resourcesand Environmental Sci-ences, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda- Libya



Pinus halepensis, , Age structure, Sidi Alhumry Pine Plantation


Aleppo pine trees have been extensively planted in many areas in Aljabal Al- Akhdar region for ecological and recreational purposes. The objectives of this study were to investigate the age structure and current status of Pinus halepensis. Miller trees on the western side of Sidi Alhumry plantation. More than 70 pine trees were sampled to estimate the year of establishment, parameters for dbh and tree-height were noted for every sampled tree in the study design. The oldest pine tree found on the site was established in 1962 while the youngest tree found was established in 1984. Our results indicated a gap of over 20 years between pine trees on the study area which suggests either a long afforestation process or an effective regeneration during the first 2 decades. Average dbh and height for pine trees were typical for similar pine stands in the area with an overall dbh average of 29cm and tree-height of 10m. However, thinning would be advisable to ensure better growth and high yield for pine trees on the site.


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How to Cite

Alsanousi , A. A. ., & Ali , A. M. . (2018). Age Structure and Current Status of Aleppo Pine ( Pinus Halepensis ) Trees on the Western Side of Sidi Alhumry Pine Plantation in Aljabal Al-Akhdar Region. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 33(3), 190–196.



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