Production and Estimation of Some Quality Characteristics of Traditional Sudanese Concentrated Juices (Hibiscus, Tamarind and Baobab)


  • Reem Ahmed Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Zaeem Azhari University, Khartoum, North Sudan
  • Fatma Ezzat Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Zaeem Azhari University, Khartoum, North Sudan
  • Babeker Adam Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Zaeem Azhari University, Khartoum, North Sudan
  • Hagir Mohamed Salih Abd Allah Department of Food Industries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Misurata, Misurata - Libya
  • Hassan Ali Mudawi Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan



Baobab (Tabaldi), Hibiscus, sodium benzoate, Tamarind (Aradaib), citric acid


This study aims to produce and estimate some of the chemical, microbilogical, and consumer preference of traditional Sudanese concentrated juices (Hibiscus sabdariffa, Tamarind, Adansonia mitigate) as authentic Sudanese juices are consumed throughout the year and in Ramadan in particular, by combining concentration methods with sugar and heat and then refrigerating without adding a preservative. Samples were brought from the local market in Omdurman/ Sudan, washed and soaked in water for two hours and then filtered. Citric acid was added to the samples, and the Arabic gum was added to the Tamarind and Baobab juice. The samples were then divided into two parts, sodium benzoate was added to one of them and the other was left without addition. The samples were stored for 45 days at a cooling temperature of (4° C). Tests were conducted every 15 days for total solids, pH, total acidity, and microbiological test as well as sensory evaluation. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. No significant differences were observed in the total solids, pH and acidity of the Baobab and Tamarind samples. There was no microbial growth during the storage period except for the Hibiscus juice without adding a preservative. Sensory evaluation showed that the panelists prefers hibiscus juice followed by Baobab juice, and Tamarind juice came in the last rank. As for hibiscus, it is recommended to add a preservative because there is no use for heat in its concentration. The study also recommended using 60% concentration because the juices in this concentration showed stability in the tested physical, chemical and microbial properties.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, R. ., Ezzat, F. ., Adam , B. ., Abd Allah, H. M. S. ., & Mudawi, H. A. . (2018). Production and Estimation of Some Quality Characteristics of Traditional Sudanese Concentrated Juices (Hibiscus, Tamarind and Baobab). Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 33(3), 228–236.



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