Changes in some Properties of Coastal-Soils of Daryanah-Barsis Area


  • Mahmoud El Make Soil and Water, Department of Agriculture, Omar Al-Muhtar University, Al-Bayda, Libya
  • Atia I. A. Abdalmoula Soil and Water, Department of Agriculture, Omar Al-Muhtar University, Al-Bayda, Libya
  • Mhieldin M. Hamed Soil and Water, Department of Agriculture, Omar Al-Muhtar University, Al-Bayda, Libya



soil, salinity, sebkha, pedology, Russian soil classification


The study area lies in the coastline of Dryana-Birsis within the arid region. In 1980 the Russian institution (Selkhozprom Export) studied this area and classified it to soil units according to Russian soil classification. In 2010, twelve sites were chosen by using Global Positioning System (GPS), to study some of the soil properties and their changes since 1980. The results showed obvious changes in the morphological, physical and chemical properties of the studied soil area. Salt crusts were noted on most of the sites, and some of the sites were converted to sebkha or non-soil (maritime sands). The results also showed that the salinization is a major form of land degradation. The ways of reclamation, conservation, and protection from the possible adverse effects of rising sea level were also discussed. The study recommended greater attention to coastal soils and to consider them as promising areas to increase the agricultural land.


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How to Cite

El Make, M. ., Abdalmoula, . A. I. A. ., & Hamed, M. M. . (2014). Changes in some Properties of Coastal-Soils of Daryanah-Barsis Area. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 29(1), 68–82.



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