Effect of climate factor on some physical soil properties at Al-Jabal Alakhdar, Libya


  • Ahmed Y. Habel Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil and Water Department
  • Murad M. Aburas Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil and Water Department
  • Sery F. Mohamed Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Faculty of Agriculture, Soil and Water Department




Rainfall factor, temperature factor, soil texture, bulk density


This study was carried out in the region of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, in the north-east of Libya, in order to monitor and evaluate the role and importance of the local climate, rainfall, and temperature on the development of soils differ in type, texture, physical, and chemical properties. The study areas were selected in the form of two parallel courses extending from the southern part of the region to the north, in order to represent the variance in the annual rainfall rates. A description of the topographic features was conducted according to the standard methods; surface soil samples were also collected for the purpose of laboratory tests. The study found that the lowest percentage of sand was in the Shahat area (16.0%), the largest in the Mukheli area (52.2%), while the clay percentage was the opposite of it, in which the lowest clay content was in Al-Mukhaili with only 20%. Silt percentage showed almost similar ratios according to the climatic regions. Correlation coefficient values confirmed that there was a significant inverse relationship, with a strong correlation coefficient of 0.94, between sand content and the mean annual rainfall, while this correlation was significantly positive for the clay content of approximately 0.95, this could confirm that rainfall rates were mainly responsible for increasing clay content. The organic content estimates for the study areas were also characterized by a significantly different coefficient of about 48% due to their correlation with the temperature levels and rainfall rates. The bulk density was shown to have a significant correlation coefficient with the sand content estimated at 0.99, so it can be said that the distribution of the bulk density values ​​was consistent with the distribution of the rainfall rates. Our conclusion that the differences in soil properties identified by this study could have direct and indirect effects on the productivity of those soils and the possibilities and opportunities for soil investment in the region of study.


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How to Cite

Habel, A. Y. ., Aburas, M. M. ., & Mohamed, S. F. . (2019). Effect of climate factor on some physical soil properties at Al-Jabal Alakhdar, Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 34(3), 181–194. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v34i3.282



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