A comparison between traditional methods and geographical information systems to determine the morphometric characteristic of the basin of Almjineen valley
Morphometric characteristics, drainage basin, water network, DEM model, traditional methodsAbstract
The study aimed to clarify the importance of GIS applications in the constructionof a database containing morphometric variables of Wadi Almjineen which can be used in extracting morphometric characteristic identified in this study, as a basis to get rid of the proportion of the generalization caused by morophometric measurements using conventional methods. Replacing them with data that is more accurate and of a higher spatial resolution, as represented in the Digital Elevation model (DEM), which could help in creating a drainage network for the watershed that is clearer and more accurate, saving both time and effort. The study also compared the results extracted from the automated analysis of the DEM model for the morphometric characteristics of the basin against those obtained using the topographic maps and satellite images to identify the differences, or compatibilities between the two methods. From the results obtained it became clear that there is a substantial difference in the morphometric characteristics of the network discharges in terms of both the number of joists and their lengths, while it found almost an exact match between the two methods in most morphological and geomorphic characteristics of the basin according to the values of the percentage differences.
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