Determinants of demand for agricultural labor in Libya (1975-2014) an Empirical Study by using Dynamic Ordinary Least Square Method DOLS


  • Siham .Y. Ali Department Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Sbhi University, Sbhi , Libya
  • Fatima Mohammed Aljwifi Department Economics, Faculty of Economics, Omar Al - Mukhtar University, El Bayda, Libya



Agricultural labor, agricultural output, wages, fixed capital formation, joint integration


The aim of the study is to estimate the important factors affecting the workforce in the agriculture sector in Libya between 1975 to 2014 and to  achieve the aim of the study,  the Gregory Hansen methodology was used to  ensure that there is a cointegration relationship between the study variables and also to estimate the model of the capabilities of the simultaneous integration of the relationship in the long term by applying the squares method (DOLS) because it's one of the ways of regression joint integration.The results of the study indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between the level of fixed capital formation and the use of labor in the agriculture sector, and the reverse effect of the average real wages on demand labor. The values ​​of the dummy variable in the model showed positive effect. The study recommends the necessity to expand the current investments and create new investments to accommodate the additional demand for labor, as well as the development of a wage policy that would increase the demand for labor.


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How to Cite

Ali , . S. .Y. ., & Aljwifi , F. M. . (2018). Determinants of demand for agricultural labor in Libya (1975-2014) an Empirical Study by using Dynamic Ordinary Least Square Method DOLS. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 33(4), 359–369.



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