Mineralogical & Granular Sizes Comparison of Zircon in Gaara and Hussainiyat formation - Western Iraq


  • Shoukr Ali Khalil Al-Salihi Department of Geology - Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda - Libya




   The study was concentrated on zircon separated with absolute purity from mineralogically and geochemically mature sandstones in two main formations of the formations which form the backbone of the stratigraphy of the western desert of Iraq. They range in age from Permian to cretaceous; they are, . The rocks are glass- sands because of containing quartz in absolute amounts and minor amounts of other detrital minerals including the heavy minerals and variable ratios of calcareous, ferruginous or siliceous cementing material. The heavy minerals consist of opaque minerals (iron oxide), ultra-stable minerals (zircon, rutile, and tourmaline) and minor amounts of other less stable minerals.

          The zircon is concentrated in the coarse silts and very find sand (<62.5-105 µ) . The zircon was studied in detail from mineralogical points of view , all of which proved almost absolute similarity between Zircon of two formations. It was possible to divide zircon with respect to their shape and optical properties into three main groups:

(1) Rounded zircon      :    canary   yellow in colour.

( 2 )Subhedral zircon   :    cloudy in colour 

( 3 )Euhedral zircon     :    transparent colourless.

         The XRD diffractogramse of   the  total   zircon   showed  great  similarity in the two  formations  which  were grossly  similar  to the diffractograms of the standard typical Zircon ; the small differences between them was concentrated  in small shift or intensity  or  disappearance of very few minor peak

      The numerous studies were proved complete similarity of total Zircon in the two formations; so its participant origin on for majority expected to be acidic igneous rocks( granitic- pegmatitic) with contribution of other basic igneous and metamorphic rocks which their origin is believed to be Arabic shield.


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How to Cite

Al-Salihi, S. A. K. . (2009). Mineralogical & Granular Sizes Comparison of Zircon in Gaara and Hussainiyat formation - Western Iraq. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 23(1), 4–27. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v23i1.348



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