Chemical ev aluation suitability of different water resources for soil irrigation


  • Adel Al - Farajani Faculty of agriculture- university of Omar Al Moukhtar
  • Yousif Hamad Abdullah Faculty of agriculture- university of Omar Al Moukhtar , Elbeida – Libya
  • Mikael Yousif Al - Fitouri Faculty of agriculture- university of Omar Al Moukhtar , Elbeida – Libya



The aim of the present study is to evaluate the suitability of the different water resources in Tubrk for agricultural purposes using different methods. The evaluation of the water sources according to these methods showed that the wadi boutyoa, station A and B, and musfa station water belongs to the class of excellent to good and the water of wadi mukhtar, shaher roha and elhatea are to the class of doubtful to unsuitable. While the other sources, corresponds to unsuitable for irrigation. Boron concentration in water for all sources are suitable for irrigation.


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How to Cite

Farajani, A. A. .-., Abdullah, Y. H. ., & Fitouri, M. Y. A. .-. (2009). Chemical ev aluation suitability of different water resources for soil irrigation. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 23(1), 84–95.



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