The Preferences of the Saw–toothed Beetle Orgzaephilus surinamensis L. to Some Libyan Date Fruit and Their Effects on its Biological Aspects


  • A. A. Bataw Department of Biology, Faculty of Science - Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda - Libya.
  • Shadia M. El-Mismari Department of Biology, Faculty of Science - Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda - Libya.



The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of three Libyan date fruits varieties (Bekrari from west Libyan coast, Saidi from Jalou, saidi from Oujila) on some biological aspects of the saw–toothed beetle Orgzaephilus surinamensis L., at temp. 25°C ± 5 and R. H. 65% ± 5. The study revealed that beetles that reared on saidi vareity from Oujila recorded the highest increase in their number (33.1 ± 1.08) while Bekrari from West coast shows the lowest individual number (18.26 ± 1.20). Also the number of beetles increased when reared on a complete form fruit, while their number decreased on cutted one. The study investigated the effect of rearing beetle outside and inside the incubator, and the influencing of that on their biological aspects.


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How to Cite

Bataw, A. A., & El-Mismari, S. M. . (2000). The Preferences of the Saw–toothed Beetle Orgzaephilus surinamensis L. to Some Libyan Date Fruit and Their Effects on its Biological Aspects. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 7(1), 43–52.



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