Susceptibility of some tomato cultivars to infection by Fusarium wilt and effect of different level of fertilization on invitro disease development


  • Azzeddin M.Y. Alawami Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Al-Bayda - Libya



The aim of this research was to study the susceptibility of tomato cultivars to the infect with fusarium wilt, which caused by Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. Lycopersici and effect of nutrition levels al NPK on disease development. The results showed that the degree of infection gradually increased with the subsequent increase of seedling age of different cultivars. Galivs, Rio- Grande and Marmande cultivars were proved to be the most susceptible cultivars which gave the highest percentage of infection whereas the lowest percentage was reportted in Zrzi cultivar. The results also indicated that the high concentration of nitrogen gave the highest degree of infection and the high level of potassium decreased the disease development as compared with the basal concentration of hogland solution. On the other hand, the different levels of phosphorus had no clear effect on the disease development.


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How to Cite

Alawami, A. M. (2004). Susceptibility of some tomato cultivars to infection by Fusarium wilt and effect of different level of fertilization on invitro disease development. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 11(1), 82–90.



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