Estimating some genetic parameters in several Wheat cultivars under different farming system fertilization


  • Tayeeb F. Hussain Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, El-Bayda, Libya
  • Mouheddin M. Rteba Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, El-Bayda, Libya



GCV, PCV, GA, H2 in some wheat crop cultivars


Two fild experiments during 2 sesons for each. First at Massaa to study some genetic traits of some bread and durum wheat cultivars (Bjy , Kassi , Kofra 1 , kofra 2 , Vee , Kareem , Salamboo mo , Icsaad 901 , Giza 168 , Binswaf , Marjawii and Sakha 69) under supplemental  irrigation comparing to rainfed. Second in  Gandoula south Al-Jabal  Al-Ahdar to stydy the same traits at different levels of alimmonium phospats 18 : 46 (0 , 70 , 140 and 210 Kg ha-1) within the   cultivars(Slamboo80  , Sham10 and Abo Elkhair). The genetic  traits concentrated on coefficients of genetic  variation GCV m phenotypic variation (PCV) m genetic advanced (Gd) and broad sense heritability (H2) through the 2 growing seasons 2013 - 14 , 2014 – 15. 1st experiment layout in strip plot with 4 replicates’ , irrigation state in the strip and cultivars in the sup plots , more over the 2nd experiment layout in split plot by 4 replicates , cultivars in the main and fertilizer levels in the subplot. The results showed decline in genetic traits regarding to plant height  , no effective tiller m-2 , spike length , wt of  spike grains , biological , grain and straw yield , harvest index , 1000 grain wt and grain protein content (%) due to closely related witch profit in breeding programs because all cultivars having highly H2 under the factors of these experiments.



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How to Cite

Hussain , T. F., & Rteba, M. M. (2018). Estimating some genetic parameters in several Wheat cultivars under different farming system fertilization. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 33(1), 46–57.



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