Competition Ability of Some Weeds to Crop Growth And Yield in Gabal Akhdar Area


  • Taib Farag Hesean Crops Department - Faculty of Agriculture - Omar Al-Mukhtar University, PO Box 919 Al-Bayda - Libya.



Competition Ability , Gabal Akhdar , Libya


Wheat is an importante source of protein, fibers, minerals and nutrietional biological human energies. The crop yield increase to 9.5 Mt/year, however this yield shearing with 20–35% of world supply. The research centers amied to increase unit area yield by reducing the yield limiting factors, the weeds is an importante factors that limited yield. The grass weeds is an important weeds due to Homogeris to wheat growth & yield factors. The objective of this study was conducted to quantifying the yield losses due to grass weeds competition these weeds were include wild oats Avena fatua L., rye grass Lolium multiflorum L. and cat tail Phalaris minor L. with seed deusity 45 seeds/m2 disterbuted due to receptical design of competitive ability research. The crop sowed by 190 grain/m2. This study was designed by Randomized complete block with 4 replicates each having 4 treutments were [control (Free of weeds), (Wheat + Ryegrass), (Wheat + wild oats) and (Wheat + cattail)]. The results of this study revealed significant reduction in crop growth and yield characters. The crop yield was 1.2 t/ha from rye grass competitive study. The yield of control was 3 t/ha there was a phenomena that the cat tail was increase the yield of this crop to 4.5 t/ha. Therefore more study was needed to clearfying this phenomena.


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How to Cite

Hesean, T. F. (2003). Competition Ability of Some Weeds to Crop Growth And Yield in Gabal Akhdar Area. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 10(1), 25–32.



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