The Use of Lupin Flour to produce food by extrusion cooking


  • Zeinab Haron Mohammed Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, P.O. 919, Al-Bayda - Libya.
  • Mohamed H. Boskaya Faculty of Public Health, Arab Medical University, Benghazi - Libya.



Lupin Flour , produce food , extrusion cooking


Lupinus luteus flour, was processed using a Clextral Bc21 Twin Screw Extruder. It was not easy to obtain a continuous homogeneous product from lupin flour. The lupin extruate was not texturised, showed little expansion at the die and no decrease in protein solubility in 1% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) solution as a result as extrusion. Extrusion processing under the conditions used here did not alter the lupin alkaloid content. It was concluded that the extrusion behavior was a consequence of the lower viscosity of the lupin (melt). This was shown by the lower extruder torque and pressure and was probably a consequence of the lubricating affect of the higher level of fat in the lupin flour.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, Z. H., & Boskaya, M. H. (2003). The Use of Lupin Flour to produce food by extrusion cooking. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 10(1), 58–69.



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