Survey and seasonal occurrence of some Neuropteran species in El-Beida region, Libya


  • A. H.Amin Dept. of Biology, faculty of science, univ. of Gar Younis, branch of El-Marg, Libya, P.B.Box. 894.,Dept. of Biology, faculty of science, univ. of Gar Younis, branch of El-Marg, Libya, P.B.Box. 894.
  • A. H. EL-Mabrouk Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Omar Almukhtar University, El-Bieda-Libya



seasonal occurrence, Neuropteran , El-Beida, Libya


In the present study , light trap was used for collecting Neuroptera species in El-Beida region, Libya, during the seasons of 2001 and 2002.  Nine species were recorded , including four species of family Chrysopidae , three species of Myrmeleonidae, and one species for each of families Ascalaphidae and Hemerobiidae.  On the other hand the occurrence periods of six Neuropteran species namely, Chrysoperla  carnea , chrysopa sp., Mallada sp., Parachrysopa  pallen, Hemerobius sp.  and Creoleon aegypticus were studied.


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How to Cite

H.Amin, A., & H. EL-Mabrouk, A. (2005). Survey and seasonal occurrence of some Neuropteran species in El-Beida region, Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 12(1), 9–23.



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