Isolation and Identification of Python pathogenic Fungi Accompanied with Seeds of Some Leguminous Species


  • N. S. Abdallah Department of Biology. College of Science. Omar Al-Mukhtar University. El-Bieda / Libya
  • M. A. Saeed Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Omar Almukhtar University, El-Bieda-Libya
  • O. M. Elsanousi Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Omar Almukhtar University, El-Bieda-Libya



Python pathogenic Fungi, Seeds , Leguminous Species


Infected and healthy leguminous seeds were collected during the seasen of 2002-2003 from different sites of EL-Gabal Akhdar district which included Elsafsa Reseach Center.

EL – Marj Research Center And Ministry Of Agriculture Of El – Bieda , Seeds of local  varieties were obtained from some farmers in the region. The collected  Seeds include Local Peas I , Local Peas II, Peas MGPeas LS, Local Bean, Elsafsaf  Lentil EL – Marj Lentil And EL – Marj Lentil.10.Fungal isolation from seed specimens represent infested  and infected  of all tested seed with 18different fungal species , from the following genera: Alternaria, Necteria, Fusarium, Chaetomium, Aspergillus, Phytophthora ,Penicillium ,Phoma ,Trichoderma ,Stemphylium and Rhizopus.


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How to Cite

S. Abdallah, N., A. Saeed, M., & M. Elsanousi, O. (2005). Isolation and Identification of Python pathogenic Fungi Accompanied with Seeds of Some Leguminous Species. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 12(1), 83–100.



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