Hydatidosis in Human Beings in Al-Jabal Al- Akhdar Area in Libya


  • Nahad Walli Al-Khalidi College of Veterinary Medicine Omar AL- Mukhtar University EL- Beida Libya




Hydatidosis, Al-Jabal Al- Akhdar, Libya


Fourteen surgically confirmed cases of hydatidosis in Al-Jabal area in Libya were investigated. The infection rate was 1% (14 cases out of 1399 surgical cases). among the patients attended Al-Thawrah Hospital in El- Beida Libya . Hydatid cysts were found in all ages (5 to 50 years ) of the patients. Eleven hydatid cyst patients were female 5 – 50 Years old and only 3 patients were male of 29 - 50 years old. The cysts in 13 cases were single cyst and were almost spherical in shape and about 4 - 13 cms in diameter. Only one case contained multiple small cysts (6 cysts about 1 to 2 cms in diameter) in the lungs. Hydatid cysts of 6 patients were located in the liver and of 6 of the patients were in the peritoneal cavity, one patient in the spleen and an other in the lungs . The cysts of 12 patients was partially calcified and sterile . It was found that the females were more exposed to infection than males and that the size of the cysts increased with the age of the patients .


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How to Cite

Al-Khalidi, N. W. . (1998). Hydatidosis in Human Beings in Al-Jabal Al- Akhdar Area in Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 5(1), 121–130. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v5i1.572



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