Effect of age and sex on dressing percentage and its relationship to tibia length in commercial broilers


  • I. El-Jarari Horticulture department, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar El-Moukhtar University




A total number of 57  birds from commercial broiler strain  (30 males  and 27 females) were used to investigate the influence of age and sex on dressing percentage and its relation  to tibia length in commercial broiler.  The results of this study showed that no significant differences between males and females in  all studied traits , but the overall means were higher in males than in females except dressing percentage and tibia length . The age was significantly affect (p<0.05) the dressing  percentage, but not the tibia length, while the weight  increased  with advanced  age. The correlation coefficient between body live-weight and experimental traits was high and positive in both sex, but dressing percentage decreased with  age at  40 and 58 days in males.   Meanwhile, correlation coefficient was highly positive between tibia length and the studied traits in both sexes but it was negative in females aged 40 days. From this study, it was concluded that, there is a relationship  between  tibia length and the studied traits specially in males , however further work is needed.


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How to Cite

El-Jarari, I. (2006). Effect of age and sex on dressing percentage and its relationship to tibia length in commercial broilers. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 13(1), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v13i1.651



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