Survey of Parasitoids of Bacterocera (Dacus) oleae Gmel. Geml. In El-Beida Reyion, Libya


  • Abdulhamid Al-Mabruk Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Omar Almukhtar University, El-Bieda-Libya
  • adel Amin Dep. Of Biology, Science College, Garyonis Uni.



A study was conducted to survey the parasites of Bacterocera (Dacus) oleae Gemel. in El- Beida region, four species of parasites, Phigalio sp., Eupelmus sp., Macroneura sp. And Eurytoma sp., were represent a new record for El-Gebel Al-Akhdar region and Eurytoma sp. Was recorded for the first time in Libya


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How to Cite

Al-Mabruk, A., & Amin, adel. (2006). Survey of Parasitoids of Bacterocera (Dacus) oleae Gmel. Geml. In El-Beida Reyion, Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 13(1), 27–32.



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