Activating the ecological awareness towards the plant-cover development and facing the desertification in a lgabal alaktar region


  • Muhammed Ardiwa Farkash Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, P.O. Box. 919
  • Dakhel Hussein Alzobaidy Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, P.O. Box. 919.
  • Mohamed Abdraba Mohamed Department of Agricultural Extension and Ruval Development Faculty of Agriculture, Omar-Almoukhtar University, ElBaida-Libya



The research aims mainly to recognize on the knowledge levels of farmers and animal breeders related to the field of plant-cover development and facing the desertification, A questionnaire was designed, consisting of three parts., the first part is concerned with the causes  of  plant-cover weakness,  the second part is concerned with the relative importance of knowledge sources that farmers and breeders. depend on, where the third part concerns the  knowledge levels of researched individuals in the fields of. reasons of  desertification, the manner of  grazing, weather circumstances, and the effect of human behaviour.  (50 ) persons were selected in random from farmers and breeders in a ratio of (10%) of the whole population,.

The percentages, frequencies and the average degree for knowledge sources were used in analysing data of this research.

the results showed that radio and tv. came in the first rank with respect to relative importance with an average grade (2.90), the results also  indicated on the decreasing level of the researched individuals in general.

The researchers recommended the institutions related for preparing well planned programmes, and activating the role of pastoral housing for being a basic step in plant-cover development and facing desertification.


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How to Cite

Ardiwa Farkash, M. ., Hussein Alzobaidy, D. ., & Abdraba Mohamed, M. (2007). Activating the ecological awareness towards the plant-cover development and facing the desertification in a lgabal alaktar region. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 14(1), 48–61.



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