Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Pumpkin Leaves and Vitamin B12 on some Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Types of Legumes


  • Ban A. Idan Department of Biology
  • Wasan S. Hussain Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq




Pumpkin, B12, allelopathic compounds, impregnation, amylase enzyme


The current study was conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Life Sciences / College of Science / University of Mosul to know the effect of treatment with aqueous extracts of pumpkin leaves, vitamin B12, and the mixture on some physiological characteristics of three types of legumes (chickpeas, cowpeas, and beans), where the research dealt with measuring the percentage of impregnation, the effectiveness of α-amylase enzyme, germination percentage, stem and root length, and their dry weight in seeds treated with pumpkin leaf extract, vitamin B12, and the mixture, the results gave an increase in the percentage of impregnation in all treatments and enzyme activity in most of the treatments. As for the percentage of germination, the average length of the plumule and the radicle, and their dry weights, they varied between increasing and decreasing, and the highest percentage of stimulation was in the bean seeds treated with the mixture at the concentration of 2%, which amounted to 48.34%, while the highest percentage decrease in the germination of the seeds was 21.05% and reached 6% in the bean seeds.The results also showed that the vitamin treatment caused an increase in the average length and dry weight of the plumule and seedlings of the three plant species (chickpeas, cowpea, and beans), and it was also noted when treating the tested species with the mixture that the vitamin was able to cover the harmful effect of the pumpkin extract and gave the stimulating effect to all tested traits.


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How to Cite

Idan , B. A., & Hussain, W. S. (2022). Effect of Aqueous Extracts of Pumpkin Leaves and Vitamin B12 on some Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Types of Legumes. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 37(3), 297–308. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v37i3.741



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