Evaluation of Soil Fertility status of two Soils in Jabal Al-Akhder Region, Libya


  • Jamal S. Deryqe Dept of Soil and Water, Faculty of Agric, Omar El-Mukhtar University




This current investigative study was conducted to evaluate the Fertility status of two soils representing two region in Jubal Al-Akhder, North east of Libya Composite surface soil sample were collected from two sites : The Faculty of Agriculture farm located 5 Km west of al-Baida and the 7th October farm 2 Km east of Al-Marj. Physical and chemical analysis were performed, and levels of N,P and Were determined.

Nutrient Availability Index (NAI) and Fertility Capability Classification (FCC) with regaled to N and P revelealed severe shortage, in both soils. This was attributed to low organic matter, high PH and calcium carbonate.

The results indicate the necessity of establishing a sound fertilization program to overcome soils deficiencies of these two essential plant nutrients.

The study was done on some soils represented Al-Beida (Faculty of Agriculture farm) and Al-Marj (7 October farm). The main objective of the current study is fertility status evaluation of studied soils. To achieve of this objective, 10 surface soil samples were collected from each site. Soil samples were analyzed to some physical and chemical characteristics which related to fertility status. Results were used to correlate between macro-nutrient content and other soil characteristics. Based on soil chemical and physical characteristics, both Nutrient Availability Index (NAI) and Fertility Capability Classification (FCC) were calculated. The results obtained that both soils had low fertility level due to the low down of available nitrogen, available phosphorus and organic matter content. In addition, soils were characterized by high calcium carbonates content and alkaline reaction which affected the fertility status. Our  recommendations were gave more attention to fertility management of such soils, specially which had marginally fertility status.


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How to Cite

Deryqe, J. S. (2008). Evaluation of Soil Fertility status of two Soils in Jabal Al-Akhder Region, Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 18(1), 30–39. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v18i1.748



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