Study and Survey of Bacterial Spot Disease on Prunus Amygdalus Trees in Al-Gabal Al-Akhadar, Liby


  • Fawzia M. Abonesira Faculty of Science, Plant Biology Dept
  • Fathi S. Al-Musmari Faculty of Science, Plant Biology Dept
  • Issa A. Abugharsa Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Dept



This study showed that trees are exposed to several diseases around the world, the most prevalent one is leaf spot disease., and the infected trees are increasing from year to another.

The Symptoms of this dis. are caused fallen leaves and finally death of infected trees. The causal is rod bacteria, move by one polar flagellum and has Several properties such as it's ability to produce hydrogen sulfide.

The results and statistical analysis indicated that there were significant differences among study regions in dis. Percentage, the most high percent in AL-Bedia (66.7%), Followed by AL-Abar (62.3%) and lowest one was AL-gouba (24.5%). Also AL-bedia region was exhibited high infection degree(79).


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How to Cite

Abonesira, F. M., Al-Musmari, F. S., & Abugharsa, I. A. (2008). Study and Survey of Bacterial Spot Disease on Prunus Amygdalus Trees in Al-Gabal Al-Akhadar, Liby. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 18(1), 83–92.



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