Comparison between milk constituents of local goat strain and some imported strains rearing under El-Jabel Al-Akhdar conditions


  • S.A. Amazik Department of Animal production - Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya
  • M. H. El-Jarari Department of Animal production - Faculty of Agriculture, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya



This experiment was carried out in El-Beida and Darna regions using local , Aspain and Shami goats to study milk composition in these strains.

Samples of local goat's milk were obtained from local farms two times a year in El-Beida and Darna regions during January and March 2007. Similarly, samples of Aspain and Shami milk were obtained from El-Kideda farm in El-Marj, El-Jabel Al-Akhdar region. Samples were obtained by manual milking two times per day.

The obtained results indicated that in El-Beida region, the moisture content as % was increased by 1% in January than March in local goat, while fat % was highly significant increased (P<0.01) during March than January.

Also, there was a highly significant difference in moisture contents % in local goat milk in El-Beida region than that in Darna region (86.96 vs. 84.54%) respectively.

In general, milk composition in local goats in Darna region did not differ significantly due to the time of collection samples. At the same time, the total solids % were significantly differenent (P<0.05) in March than January. There were no significant differences between local and imported goats in their protein, lactose, specific gravity %, where the fat content was significantly different (P<0.05) in Spain goat than local goat milk (4.70 vs. 4.56%), respectively. while there were a insignificant differences between Shami and local goats.

From this study, it could be concluded that Shami and Spain goats were highly adapted under Al-Jabel Al-Akhdar region and showed a partially increasing in milk composition than local goats.


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How to Cite

Amazik, S., & El-Jarari, M. H. (2008). Comparison between milk constituents of local goat strain and some imported strains rearing under El-Jabel Al-Akhdar conditions. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 21(1), 18–26.



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