The Effect of certain Insecticides and Metals on some Biological, behavioral and biochemical activities in Nile Bolti (Oreochromis niloticus)


  • Mahmoud Eissa Osamn Dpartment plant protection, college of agriculture,Omer El-Mukhtar University,El-Baida,Libya.



Short term experiment was conducted to determine the effect of some certain insecticides (pirimicarb and Imidacloprid) and metals ( Copper and Lead) concentrations of LC50 of 96 hr for was applied on live bolti (Oreochromis niloticus) after 24,48,72 and 96 hr. also to long term experment was conducted using concentrates of   0.1 of LC50 for 96hr after 2,4,6and 12 weeks  with  control group in all treatments .

The concentration of heamoglobin content, serum glucose and the activity of AST and ALT was measured, also measurements on blood creatinine and uric acid were also taken. The results suggest that  that there was high increase in heamoglobin content in the exposed groups of fish in all tretamint on short or long term excpet in the case of Lead treatment on short term which showed decrease on heamoglobin content.

There was a significant increase in the concentration of serm glucose showed observed increase. serm AST and ALT in the examined  O. niloticus fish showed a general trend of increase when exposed to le­thal and sub lethal concentrations of all treatment (copper, lead, Pirimicarb and Imidacloprid), the activity of transaminases increased gradually to reach thier maximam activity within  many weeks.

The creatinine and uric acid levels may be an indicator of the kidney dysfunction and an important symptom in predicting disease in which the kidney is adversely affected, our study showed significant increase in serum creatinin and uric acid concentrations of fish exposed to toxic pesticides and metals compared with the control group.


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How to Cite

Osamn, M. E. (2008). The Effect of certain Insecticides and Metals on some Biological, behavioral and biochemical activities in Nile Bolti (Oreochromis niloticus). Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 21(1), 98–114.



Research Articles
