Effect of organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilizers on onion


  • Mosa Mohamed AL-Gazery Soil and Water Department -Faculty of Agriculture – Omer AL-Mokhtar Universit
  • AL-Gareh Mohamed AL-Gareh Soil and Water Department -Faculty of Agriculture – Omer AL-Mokhtar Universit




Two  Field experiments were carried out during the two  seasons of  2006 and 2007 at the Experimental Farm of  Horticulture Department Faculty of Agriculture, Omar AL-Mukhtar University, AL- Beida, AL-Gabal AL-Akhder region. 

The present study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of different levels of chicken manure(0, 7, 14 and 21 t/ha) and inorganic nitrogen(0, 50, 75 and 100 kg N/ha) as well as their interaction, on yield and quality of bulbs as well as some chemical contents of onion bulbs(Alluim cepa L.), Giza 20 variety.

The obtained result could be summarized as follow:

  1. Increasing the level of applied N up to 100 Kg N / ha , was accompanied with gradual and significant increases in the total yield of bulbs , fresh and dry weight of bulb , as well as diameter , height and hardness of bulb , and it's contents of N , P and K.
  2. Gradual increases in the level of applied chicken manure up to 21 ton / ha , was accompanied with progressive and significant increases in total yield , fresh and dry weights of bulb , diameter , height and hardness of bulbs , as well as N , P and K contents of bulb.Application of 100 Kg N together with 21 ton chicken manure / ha , gave the highest mean values of total yield , fresh and dry weights of bulb in the two seasons as well as height and hardness of bulb , and thickness of bulb neck , in the first season.

      Therefore , we can  concluded that, application of 100 Kg N + 21 ton of chicken manure / ha , might be considered the most effective and commercial treatment in order  to achieve higher total bulb yield per unit area with high quality under the prevailing conditions of AL-Gabal AL-Akhdar and other similar regions.


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How to Cite

AL-Gazery, M. M., & AL-Gareh, A.-G. M. (2010). Effect of organic and inorganic nitrogen fertilizers on onion . Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 25(1), 36–56. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v25i1.779



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