Prevalence of Pulp Stones in Libyan Subpopulation: A Panoramic Radiographic Study


  • Samia .S. Alawjali Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Benghazi. Libya.



Panoramic radiographs, Pulp stone, Prevalence, Libyan subpopulation


The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of pulp stones in permanent posterior teeth of a group of adult Libyan dental patients using digital panoramic radiographs. Materials and Methods: Panoramic radiographs of 1200 adult patients (600 females and 600 males) were examined retrospectively to determine the prevalence and distribution of the pulp stones. All posterior teeth were investigated except third molars, and the data obtained were recorded as present or absent according to gender, tooth types, dental arches, sides and dental status (intact, restored, or carious). The Chi-square test was used for difference comparisons (P<0.05). Results: Of the 1200 patients, 363 (30.2%) had one or more teeth that contained pulp stones. Pulp stones were detected in 1402 of the 16738 teeth, to give a tooth prevalence of 8.4%. Pulp stones were discovered in 9.2% of females and 7.5% of males, with a highly significant difference between the genders (P<0.0001). Pulp stones were more prevalent in the maxillary arch (10.3%) than in the mandibular arch (6.5%), with a significant difference between arches. Pulp stones were most frequently occurring in right maxillary first molars (24.6%) and least occurring in left maxillary first premolars (0.1%). Pulp stones prevalence was significantly more common in the first molars than second molars, in the molars than premolars in each dental arch, and in the first maxillary molar than first mandibular molars. Pulp stones were detected more frequently in the intact teeth than in carious and restored teeth. Conclusion: The occurrence of pulp stones in this study was significantly higher in females than males, in maxillary teeth than in mandibular teeth, molars than premolars, first maxillary molars than mandibular molars and in intact teeth than restored and carious teeth.


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How to Cite

Alawjali, S. .S. . . (2019). Prevalence of Pulp Stones in Libyan Subpopulation: A Panoramic Radiographic Study . Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 34(1), 44–55.



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