Effect Of Foodstuff Kinds And Particle Size On The Efficacy Of Poisoned Baits For The Control Of Ground Beetles Zabrus Sp. (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Zabrini)


  • Abdelkrim M. Amer




The poisoned baits is most important methods for the control of the ground beetles that infect the vegetable fields  in the green Mountain regions. Five kinds of foodstuff (crushed wheat particle size 5.24 mm ; crushed barley 0.43 mm ; crushed dry bread 0.44 mm ;  crushed bean 16 mm ; barley bran 0.5 mm ) was evaluated in this study to formulate a poisoned baits against the ground beetles Zabrus sp. . The consumption ratio of these five diets was calculated, the highest consumption was recorded in crushed dry bread reaching 100% after 72 hours, the crushed barley was the second 70% after 14 days then the barley bran 60% after 14 days, while the crushed wheat ratio was 47% after 14 days and the consumption ratio of crushed bean come last 40% after 14 days. Five treatment groups of these beetles were treated by five poisoned baits formulated from the five foodstuff. The ratio of dead beetles of every group show that the crushed wheat gave the highest mortality 95% after 48 hours from treatment, while the worst bait was the crushed dry bread with less than 55% mortality after 72 hours from treatment, when the ratios of other stuffs (crushed bean ; barley bran ; crushed barley) were 85% , 80% , 70% respectively. 


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How to Cite

Amer , A. M. (2010). Effect Of Foodstuff Kinds And Particle Size On The Efficacy Of Poisoned Baits For The Control Of Ground Beetles Zabrus Sp. (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Zabrini). Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 25(1), 57–66. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v25i1.780



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