Biological Studies on Juveniles Fish of Sardinella Aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) in Benghazi Coast on the Meditterranean Sea,


  • Mohammad El-Sayed El-Mor Marine Resources Department, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental Science, Omar Almokhtar University , P.O. Box 919 Elbaida – Libya .



A total of 850 specimens of Sardinella aurita were collected from trash catch of trawling net operating in Benghazi coast on the Mediterranean Sea during the period from January to December 2007 . The species constituted 17.65% of trash catch and about 0.5-3.3% of total catch of the gear . The juveniles of S. aurita could stay at the nursery grounds from September till March, and recruited in September till November . The length weight relationships as well as the condition factor of the juveniles fish were studied . It was found that ‘b’ valued 2.547 which means that there is significant negative allometric growth. The highest values of condition factor were recorded in autumn months . Feeding activities were quite high during early winter and autumn and this fish species feed on copepoda, Mollusca, amphipoda fish eggs and juvenile prawn . The juveniles of S. aurita are likely to feed in the upper water level (plankitivorous) .


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How to Cite

El-Mor, M. E.-S. (2008). Biological Studies on Juveniles Fish of Sardinella Aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) in Benghazi Coast on the Meditterranean Sea, . Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 20(1), 77–96.



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