Incidence of Pneumonia in Sheep in El-Jabal El-Akhdar (Libya)


  • Ghyath Salih Mahmoud Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/ Omar El-Mukhtar University
  • Moneer El-Saber Mohammed Faculty of vertrinary medicine-Omar Al Mokhtar university.



This study involved certain investigations on pneumonic lesions in sheep in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar district .Therefore 630 lungs of sheep were examined periodically in Shahat, Quba and Al-Bieda slaughter houses during the year 2003-2005 .However (62) lungs were found to be affected and showed various pneumonic lesions which resembled about 9.8% from the total lungs examined . These pneumonic lungs were classified into verminous pneumonia (3.1%), bacterial pneumonia (2.8%), viral pneumonia (0.8%), Mycotic pneumonia (0.8%) and interstitial pneumonia (2.3%) .Moreover the gross and microscopic details for these pneumonic lungs were included in this study .


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How to Cite

Mahmoud, Ghyath S. ., & Mohammed, M. E.-S. . (2008). Incidence of Pneumonia in Sheep in El-Jabal El-Akhdar (Libya) . Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 20(1), 112–122.



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