Examination of Cysts and Calculation of Reduction Percentage


  • Fathi Mohamed Ali Zoology Department / Faculty of Science /Omar El-Mukhtar University.
  • Wahida R. Ali Zoology Department / Faculty of Science /Omar El-Mukhtar University.
  • Abdusalam M. Aboalhaj Zoology Department / Faculty of Science /Omar El-Mukhtar University.




Human cystic echinococcosis is a cyclozoonotic infection by larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus. This disease has a world-wide distribution and it causes a big health and economic problems. The difficulties that met scientists in the field are the early diagnosis and treatment of the infection. Therefore, the attentions were directed

toward the possibility of producing a vaccine that has the ability to stimulate the immune response against the infection.

The target of this work was also directed in this way. Three antigens were extracted and used in our experimental works, These were:

  • Highly antigenic antigen, the Cyst Fluid (CF) antigen.
  • Highly antigenic-highly specific antigen, the Excretion-Secretion(ES)

The third antigen is a mixture of a (1 : 1) proportion of the above two antigens and called ES/CF antigen.

These three antigens were used to immunize the experimental animals (white mice). Three concentrations from each antigen were prepared. The three concentrations were used in white mice with one booster dose to stimulate immunity. The efficiency of these antigens against secondary infection was investigated by the calculation of the reduction percentages of cysts. Comparison between concentration of the antigens were made throughout the experiments. The results of the experiments revealed that the activity of ES/ CF antigen was the best compared with the others.


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How to Cite

Ali, F. M., Ali, W. R. ., & Aboalhaj , . A. M. . (2008). Examination of Cysts and Calculation of Reduction Percentage. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 17(1), 25–39. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v17i1.832



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