Study of lameness cases and their effects on milk yield of lactating Friesian cows imported to Ghot Al-Sultan - LIBYA


  • S.A Amaizik, Anim. Prod. Dept., Agric. Fac., Omar Al-Mukh. Univ. Beida-Libya



lameness cases, milk yield, lactating Friesian cows, Ghot Al-Sultan - LIBYA


A sixty five lactating cows records were studied from the Ghot Al-Sultan dairy farm. Cows records were chosen according to different lactation numbers which from second to eight lactations and also for different lactation weeks which from 1-28 weeks. Each cow offered daily 1 kg concentrates for each 2 kg milk produced and 10 kg roughages.

Lameness cases were assessed weekly while cows walking along a firm walkway to the milking parlour. The incidence of lameness during the study period was 21 cases with a percent of 37% of the total number of cows (56).

The higher incidence of lameness was in the third, fourth and fifth lactations with 15 cases at a percent of 71% of cases number (21) and about 27% of total cows in the study (56). Average daily milk yield of lame cows was decreased by 3.1 kg compared to health cows, with total loss in milk yield estimated about 12760 kg with a percent of about 4.7% of total milk yield of all cows. Higher loss in milk yield was between 10 to 25 weeks of lactation with a daily average loss of about 4.1 kg with lame cows.

Economical loss for medical treatment and milk yield due to lameness for each case was more than 400 Libyan dinars.


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How to Cite

Amaizik, , S. (2007). Study of lameness cases and their effects on milk yield of lactating Friesian cows imported to Ghot Al-Sultan - LIBYA. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 16(1), 19–28.



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