Identification of Caused For Sooty Mold Disease on Trees in Omer Al-Mukhtar University Periphery – El-Beida- Libya


  • Eman Gebreal Abdul-Rauff Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Omer Al-Muhktar University.
  • Zahra Ibrahim El-Gali Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Omer Al-Muhktar University.
  • Kamlla Abdel-Rahim El-Wahsh Faculty of Natural Sources and Ecological Sciences, Omer Al-Muhktar University



Sooty mold disease, Alternaria alternata, Trees, Libya


This study was conducted during the season 2017-2018 to identification sooty mold disease on planted trees and shrubs in University periphery i.e.  Olive, fig, oleander, almond, carob, rosemary, tuart, rose, aloe, conocarpus and other weeds. All samples were collected and checked for disease and insects incidence. The fungal was isolated on PSA medium, and identification depended on cultural and morphological characters, then it was tested on plant tissue infection. The results indicated that the disease incidence with suckers insects on fig, olive and oleander, also disease without insects was recorded on aloe and weeds. While, plants remainder were negative infection. The highest infection (75.5%, 69%) was recorded on Olive trees following by Oleander then Fig trees respectively. Isolation results showed to finding out Alternaria alternata on leaves, meanwhile, symptoms of pathogenicity test was negative on host leaves. 


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Author Biography

Eman Gebreal Abdul-Rauff, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Omer Al-Muhktar University.




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How to Cite

Abdul-Rauff, E. G. ., El-Gali, Z. I., & El-Wahsh, K. A.-R. . . (2019). Identification of Caused For Sooty Mold Disease on Trees in Omer Al-Mukhtar University Periphery – El-Beida- Libya. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 34(2), 141–149.



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