An Economic Study to Estimate Post Harvest Losses of Tomatoes Crop in The Green Mountain Region


  • Joma A. Ifhima Department of Agricalture Elon. Omar Al-Mukh. Univ. Beida-Libya
  • Adly S. Tolba Department of Agricalture Elon. Omar Al-Mukh. Univ. Beida-Libya
  • Soad S. Omar Department of Agricalture Elon. Omar Al-Mukh. Univ. Beida-Libya, P.O. Box 919. ** Facalty of Econ., Omar El-Mukhtar University, P.O. Box. 919



Economic Study, Estimate Post Harvest Losses, Tomatoes Crop, The Green Mountain Region


The study focused on the main factors affecting the increase in the post harvest losses of tomatoes ,the post harvest losses of the study crop reached about 15% of total production , the reducing of these losses will must increase the producers  income with 1.9 thousand  Denars , the study deals with estimating the marketing losses  at the farm and retailer market levels of the tomatoes crop ,the study concerned with the quantitative analysis of the different factors affecting post harvest losses ratio using multi-regression analysis, The study shows that crop quantity , average from price has a statistically significant negative relationship post harvest ratio of tomatoes ,the study presents some of recommendation to help in reducing the losses of the studied crop .


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How to Cite

Ifhima, J. A., Tolba, A. S., & Omar, S. S. (2007). An Economic Study to Estimate Post Harvest Losses of Tomatoes Crop in The Green Mountain Region. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 16(1), 82–101.



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