Cryptospordiosis in children and calves


  • Abdul Aziz Jameil Alani The High Centre of Medical Technology, Derna.



This study involved the detection of Cryptosordiumn oocyst in faecal samples of children and calves with symptom of diarrhea using Zeihl-Nelson (ZN) and Auramine O (AO) staining technique. Infections rates with this parasite were 14.3% and 26.56% in children and in calves respectively. All infected children and calves were within one year old.

Oocysts were detected in the faeces of infected individuals equally by stains. Average oocysts dimensions were measured.


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How to Cite

Jameil Alani, A. A. . (2007). Cryptospordiosis in children and calves. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 15(1), 33–41.



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