Microbiological Study of Mixed Spices Sold in Stores in Tripoli


  • Salah Omar Abu Khabta Dept. of Food Technology, Al-Fateh University
  • Mohamed Suleiman Ihtash Dept. of Food Technology, Al-Fateh University.




One hundred samples of (Hararat) which formed from (Black pepper, Galanga, Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg and Zingier) we bought them from stores in Tripoli city and were evaluated for their microbial content (aerobic total count bacteria, coliform bacteria, thermophilic bacteria, molds and yeasts). In addition, some types of pathogenic bacteria, (Aermonas species, B. cereus, E. coli and Salmonella species) which may create a public health hazard to the consumer. The current study showed that the ready mixed spices (Hararat) which had been bought were highly contaminated with aerobic total count bacteria which reached 4.8 × 107 CFU/g , with a general mean 2.4 × 106 CFU/g. The mean for coliform bacteria was 124.2 MPN/g, for themophilic bacteria the medium was 1.9 × 104 CFU/g and for the mold and yeasts the medium was 1.1 × 104 CFU/g.


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How to Cite

Omar Abu Khabta, S. ., & Ihtash, M. S. (2007). Microbiological Study of Mixed Spices Sold in Stores in Tripoli. Al-Mukhtar Journal of Sciences, 15(1), 61–74. https://doi.org/10.54172/mjsc.v15i1.894



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