مناقشة رسالة ماجستير بكلية الهندسة |
نُوقشت صباح اليوم الإثنين الموافق 19-06-2023م، بقاعة الاجتماعات بكلية الهندسة رسالة الماجستير المقدمة من الطالب / عمر بوعجيلة القديري، والتي كانت بعنوان
Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems Based on Hybrid Technique)
وتشكلت لجنة المناقشة من السادة:
– د. أيمن عبدالرحمن نوح. مشرفاً رئيسياً.
– د. ستار جابر العيساوي. ممتحناً خارجياً.
– د. منير عبدالله فرج. ممتحناً داخلياً.
ملخـص الدراسـة
The advantages of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system OFDM such as its efficient use of the spectrum and immunity against multipath fading make them the superior technology for the high data rate of wireline and wireless communication systems. However, the high peak-to-average power ratio of the OFDM signal is one of its main drawbacks. Consequently, many techniques, including selective mapping SLM and clipping-filtering CF, have been recommended to deal with the PAPR problem. The PAPR is decreased but the bit error rate is negatively impacted by the clipping approach, which limits the amplitude of the OFDM signal before filtering. In the SLM technique, different representations of OFDM symbols are generated by rotating the original OFDM symbol using a different phase sequence, and the signal with minimum PAPR is selected to transmit .However, this processing increased the transmitter complexity. In this work, we provide a hybrid selective mapping clipping scheme (HSLMC) for OFDM systems PAPR reduction. In order to decrease the computational complexity, the SLM is employed in iteration with a threshold of PAPR and four iterations; if the PAPR of the OFDM signal is still larger than the threshold after the fourth iteration, clipping is applied. The simulation results show that, in comparison to CF, the proposed method performs better in terms of bit error rate (BER). On the other hand, the computational complexity of the proposed technique is significantly lower than SLM with a
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