مناقشـة رسالـة ماجستيـر بكليـة الهندسـة |
نُوقِشت صباح اليوم الاربعاء الموافق 14-06-2023م، بقاعة الاجتماعات بكلية الهندسة رسالة الماجستير المقدمة من الطالبة / امباركه سعد فرج، والتي كانت بعنوان ( Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Behavior Expended Polystyrene Reinforced Clay (Soil.
وتشكلت لجنة المناقشة من السادة :
– د. ايناس عبدالنبي الطلحي مشرفاً رئيسياً.
– د. محمد عبدالفتاح صالح ممتحناً داخلياً.
– د. البشير محمد الصلاي ممتحناً خارجياً.
ملخـص الدراسـة ⬇️
Due to urban expansion and lack of land, the sites used the ground of the low engineering properties. Common solutions to counteract the adverse effects associated with problematic soils include soil replacement and/or soil stabilization. The latter refers to any chemical, mechanical or combined chemical–mechanical practice of altering the soil fabric to meet the intended engineering criteria. Conventional stabilization schemes often suffer from sustainability issues related to high manufacturing and/or transportation costs. Recently, traditional inert material were replaced with waste material, as a contribution to sustainability and waste reduction, as well as development, by providing low-cost and easily accessible materials for Geotechnical soils. Expanded Polystyrene EPS is a kind of lightweight material which has a low density, high compressibility, good chemical, water resistance and ease of use. Non-traditional lightweight materials have been widely used in Geotechnical engineering projects in recent years. Lightweight materials are used to lower vertical and lateral earth pressures. They can also be used as a compressible inclusion behind a retaining wall, as well as lightweight fill in slopes or embankments. An experimental investigation has been carried out in the laboratory. Clay soil with EPS contents of 0.0%, 0.25%, 0.5%,0.75% and 1%.The tests performed include Two of the most important tests in studying the geotechnical properties of reinforced soils. Standard Proctor compaction test, the Unconfined Compression (UC) test. The results show that adding EPS chips reduces the weight of the soil as well as the UCS. EPS-chip specimens, on the other hand, tended to reach their peak strength at higher strains. Microstructure analyses reveal that with an increase in the content of EPS, the number of pores/vacuums increases, which leads to increases in the optimum moisture content and a decrease in the maximum dry density. Also, with an increase in the content of EPS, the characteristic of the dispersion is dominant in fabric, thus it is less resistant to external loading, this clearly appears in the unconfined test results. Finite element analysis was carried out using PLAXIS. The numerical analysis helped to explain the deformation behavior of unreinforced clay and reinforced clay.
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