نُوقشت صباح يوم الأحد 25. 11. 2024م بقاعة كلية الهندسة رسالة الماجستير المقدمة من الطالب :محمد عبدالرازق فرج شنيب المقيد بقسم الهندسة الكهربائية والالكترونية شعبة الاتصالات .
عنوان الرسالة : Efficiency Investigation of WirelessPower Transfer System for BiomedicalImplants
وتكونت لجنة المناقشة من:
د.موسى فرج موسى الساعدي مشرفا رئيسيا
د. إبراهيم محمد مفتاح الزليتني ممتحننا داخليا
د. عبد الخالق مصطفى زعطوط ممتحننا خارجيا
. In the past ten years, the wireless power transfer (WPT) systems have garnered alot of attention, particularly in the field of implantable medical devices. The WPT systemsoffer a safe and effective charging method for implants leading to reduce the cost andrisks related to the surgical battery replacement. The three most popular configurations,for WPT systems, are based on two-coil, three-coil, and four-coil. Power TransferEfficiency (PTE) is considered as one of the performance indicators, due to the fact thatnormal human motion and breathing can cause coils to become misaligned, which lowersPTE. This research study examined and compared the possible performance of severaldesigns based on two-, three-, and four-coil spiral planar coils using the finite elementtechnique (FEM) and Ansys Maxwell software. The receiver coil was kept a smaller sizepotentially attaining the highest efficiency of power, and exhibiting a highermisalignment tolerant capability. In that, the alignment effect was explored through thesimulation environment, In contrast to the two-coil systems and three-coil systems, thefour-coil system has a wider high range of efficiency and a higher capability ofmisalignment tolerance.
وبعد المناقشة العلمية، أجيزت الرسالة ، وبذلك تحصل الطالب على درجة الماجستير في الهندسة الكهربائية والالكترونية ، راجين له كل التوفيق في مسيرته العلمية.