Dr. Abdalmatlub. A. Bofrowa
University Prersident
Scientific and educational institutions represent the most valuable and influential pillar in human progress and the advancement of societies, arising from a fixed principle asserting that science is the highest human path towards civilization and societal growth. Living in an information age, humanity’s steps towards the future are accelerating, employing technical means that are upgraded daily, taking the world to a new juncture.
The University’s website is a digital portal that provides primary information related to the University’s history, identity, aspirations, and its physical and human resources. It also serves as a guide for its members, and a means for facilitating communication with its counterparts from other universities and those wishing to benefit from its cognitive activities and scientific and cultural contributions in general.
At Omar Al-Mukhtar University, we move with confident strides to realize its goals and achieve the desired quality of knowledge. Science is a trust, the nation is a responsibility, and serving them is our sacred duty.