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About Omar Al-Mukhtar University

  1. Omar Al-Mukhtar University underwent several stages before it became what it is today. The University’s nucleus was founded in 1961 when the University of Sayyid Muhammad bin Ali Al-Senussi was established in the city of Al-Bayda. The University consisted of three faculties: the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion – the Faculty of Sharia – and the Faculty of Arabic Language. A decree to abolish it was issued in 1970, and its three faculties were merged into the faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies. While remaining within Al-Bayda city, it became affiliated with the Libyan University in the city of Benghazi ….. Read More

المجلات العلمية

Scientific Conferences


University activities

Master’s thesis defense at the Faculty of Arts

Commencement of final exams at the Faculty of Medical Technology

The Faculty of Medical Technology welcomes the President and members of the University’s Quality and Performance Evaluation Committee

Final exams at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Omar Al-Mukhtar University’s participation in an in-person meeting of the focus groups for the ARMONIA project

Master’s thesis defense at the Faculty of Agriculture

Conclusion of the First Scientific Conference on Civil Engineering Applications at Omar Al-Mukhtar University

The commencement of the First Scientific Conference on Civil Engineering Applications

Master’s thesis defense at the Faculty of Agriculture

The Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences launches its PhD program

Academic lecture at the Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences commemorates World Environment Day

The Social Service Office at Omar Al-Mukhtar University

The Faculty of Arts organizes a memorial ceremony in honor of departed members of the faculty

The alumni platform at the Faculty of Science, Omar Al-Mukhtar University

The regular meeting of the Committee for Academic Development, Scientific Research, and Administrative Work at the University

The International Cooperation Office at the University meets with candidates for an Italian scholarship

The commencement of the final doctoral exams at the Faculty of Arts

The university president meets with the chairman of the board of the Public Employment Authority

The Law College organizes a workshop titled: Legislative Reform of the Criminal Justice System

A workshop at the Faculty of Dentistry

Exams for the histology course at the Faculty of Medicine for first- and second-year students were held today, Monday, March 18, 2024.

An educational trip for the students of the Animal Production Department at the Faculty of Agriculture

Application of international standards for academic programs

Opening of the Pharmacy Faculty Exhibition

World Breastfeeding Week

The university president meets with the board members of Al-Mukhtar Research and Scientific Consultancy Centre

An academic trip for the Civil Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering took place today, Monday 14th November 2022

Conclusion of the first dose vaccination campaign against the Coronavirus

The second dose vaccination process against the coronavirus started at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Nursing at Omar Al-Mukhtar University

Activities of the International Cooperation office

One of the most important concerns of the university is to reach out to its regional and international environment, link cooperation with various universities through scientific agreements aimed at exchanging experiences, visits, curricula, and scholarships, and exchange invitations to participate in scientific seminars and conferences concerned with various sciences, which would contribute to the development and diversity of shared sciences.

التعليم الإلكتروني

حرصا على إيجاد بيئة تعليمية تفاعلية ، أُستحدث في جامعة عمر المختار نظام إدارة ً التعلم الإلكتروني (Moodle) وهذا النظام صُمم للمساعدة في إدارة المحتوى الدراسي ومتابعة وتقييم مخرجات العملية التعليمية في الجامعة. المزيد

إنشاء وحدة السلامة الحيوية والمهنية والبيئة بجامعة عمر المختار

أُنشئت وحدة السلامة الحيوية والمهنية والبيئية بجامعة عمر المختار بناءً على قرار رقم (594) الصادر عن السيد أ.د. رئيس جامعة عمر المختار بتاريخ 26\10\2021.  

Omar Al Al-Mukhtar University in Numbers

Scientific Departments
Undergraduate Students
Postgraduate Students
Foreign students
Libyan faculty staff
Foreign faculty staff
Equipped Laboratory
Total Area of the University