The alumni platform at the Faculty of Science, Omar Al-Mukhtar University

Within the efforts of Omar Al-Mukhtar University’s Faculty of Science to achieve quality standards by monitoring its outcomes and engaging relevant associates, an important meeting was held today with the director of the University’s website. The meeting focused on reviewing the alumni platform at the Faculty of Science, with the aim of improving communication with alumni and updating their data to enhance efficiency and fulfill the University’s vision of effectively monitoring its graduates. The meeting discussed several key points related to developing the electronic platform, including incorporating features that facilitate communication with alumni and support them in their professional and academic careers. Additionally, the meeting explored how to use the platform to track alumni achievements and provide an updated database that strengthens the ties between alumni and the University. Attendees emphasized the importance of this step within Omar Al-Mukhtar University’s strategy to enhance quality and ensure sustainable monitoring of its academic outputs, in line with accredited quality standards.

This meeting is part of a series aimed at enhancing electronic services at the University, realizing its vision as a center of science and knowledge, and continuing its ongoing support for its graduates.